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Thursday January 23rd 2025

Archive for May, 2010

Public Opinion on Gatsby

Public Opinion on Gatsby

Spider-Man: Gatsby

Spider-Man: Gatsby

The Daily Cornet takes a look into the similarities of Spider-Man and Gatsby.

Open Letter to Gatsby

Open Letter to Gatsby

J. Jonah Jameson tells it like it is and reveals how he really feels about Gatsby. Open Letter To Gatsby by J. Jonah Jameson

Rapier, Rapper or Raper: The Ugly Truth

Rapier, Rapper or Raper: The Ugly Truth

Who is Gatsby? Why does he wear that mask? Just how much does he suck at fencing? Let’s start at the beginning. Gatsby is an Australian who has taken his name from one of the Great American literary classics – The Great Gatsby. We don’t blame him, America is streets ahead of Australia in every way. It’s no wonder he would want to align [...]

Revia South Africa